Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Emergency PRACTICE

Hi MWPS Community
Practice Drill
Today we will hold our annual emergency lockdown practice with the support of our expert advisors from Harrison Tew®. This is an important practice so children and staff feel confident that they know how to respond in case we ever have to go into an emergency lockdown. Today is a PRACTICE DRILL.

Harrison Tew®, are a national organisation that specialises in school emergency situations, to ensure that all students and staff on-site remain safe within the context of the emergency event. All our emergency events, including any practice drill, will follow the following steps:

Emergency Procedures:
STEP 1: MWPS will assess the immediate dangers and activate the appropriate emergency procedures to ensure the safety of students, staff and any visitors on-site at the start of the emergency.

STEP 2: Only if required – MWPS will make contact with the national Emergency Services (111) and Harrison Tew to guide us through the emergency.

STEP 3: Message our parent community via text, Facebook and ClassDojo that the school is in an emergency situation, and all updates will be done through the school website only:

To ensure our MWPS community receive updated and consistent messages, the school website will be the only form of communication from the school.

Please DO NOT contact any staff at the school, as this could lead to the distraction from our primary focus, which is caring for our students. They will not respond.

Please do not come and fetch your child/ren as the attention of staff will be to ensure the safety of all the students in our care.

STEP 4: When the emergency has been de-escalated and the school declared to be safe:

The school website will be updated accordingly.

Parents/Caregivers will be notified by text, Facebook and ClassDojo