Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week Ahead: Term 1 Week 10

Mālō e lelei MWPS Kāinga,

We hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend surrounded by friends and family. It’s times like these that bring us closer together and create lasting memories. A big thank you to all our parents and caregivers who came to the parent-teacher meetings last week. It was great to see you there. Your support means a lot to us and makes a huge difference to your child’s learning and future success. It’s hard to believe we are on the countdown to the end of term.

Week 10 Reminders: Writing Week 1
-Writing week kicks off this week with our enchanted forest theme. Get ready to unleash your creativity and dive into a world of words during our enchanted Writing Week, where every idea is a spark waiting to ignite. Join us as we explore the depths of storytelling and embark on a journey through the enchanted forest of imagination.
-MWPS Values: Manākitanga is about thinking about others and ensuring they feel valued, respected, and supported. At the dinner table this week, let’s talk about who we noticed this week and what we did to ensure they felt seen and heard. Share examples of the ‘Golden Rule’ in action, treating others how you would like to be treated, e.g. helping others, respecting differences, being thoughtful, being honest, showing empathy, forgiving others.

-Easter Monday

-Easter Tuesday

-School starts at 8:50 am
-Supersmash Cricket: Tūī Whānau
-MWPS Options

-ANZAC assembly practice
-Supersmash Cricket: Pīwakawaka Whānau

-9 am MWPS Assembly Hosts: Student Leaders
-Certificate: School Values
-2 pm House Competition: Karakaraka Hosting

Malo ‘Aupito,