Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week Ahead: Term 1 Week 11

Evening, MWPS Families,

As we come to the end of another term, it’s important to reflect on the incredible journey of learning we’ve shared over the past eleven weeks. Each day has presented us with invaluable opportunities to grow, discover, and challenge ourselves in new ways. It has been a pleasure to watch our learners shine.

As we roll into the final week of Term 1, it’s super important to keep showing up for school every day. Even if we’re getting excited for the holidays, sticking it out until the last day supports our learners to create a lifetime pattern of finishing things and getting things done.

Week 11 Reminders:
-Bring a bag to school every day. As the term ends, students will need to empty their tote trays, so please remember to bring a bag to school every day.
-Writing week continues this week with our enchanted forest theme. Our learners are loving being authors and writing their own stories, descriptions, and exploring the use of AI as an illustration tool.
-MWPS Values: At the dinner table this week, let’s look back over the term and share our highs and learnings. What are we most proud of? What did we discover? What mistakes did we make that we have learned from?

-School starts at 8:50 am
-Supersmash Cricket: Tūī Whānau

-9:30am Whole school ANZAC Assembly Practice

-9:30am Whole school ANZAC Assembly Practice
-MWPS Options

-11:30am MWPS ANZAC Assembly

-2:55pm Term 1 Ends
-School Holidays begin.

Upcoming Dates:
Monday, April 29th
-Term 2 Starts
-Start date for New Entrants

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow morning ready to kick start the final week.
Remember, every day you are at school, you are investing in your future. Make every day count!