Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week ahead: Term 1 Week 3

你好 MWPS Families

恭喜发财 to everyone in our Chinese community. Wishing you good luck, good health and good fortune this Chinese New Year. Yesterday marked the start of the Lunar New Year and there were many celebration activities across Auckland. Week 3 is our first full week of school and a chance to cement before-school and after-school routines at home. Remember, daily school attendance is a big deal and supports your child in blossoming into the best they can be.

Week 3 reminders:
-Fruit in Schools starts this week. A reminder if you are choosing to send morning tea are a health promoting school. Water is our drink of choice.
-Sun hats are compulsory in Term 1. Learners without hats will play in shaded areas only
-Manners go a long way in life. This week we will be continuing our focus on respect for others, saying hello and a person’s name, please, thank-you, may I. Have a chat at home this week about manners and respect for each other looks and sounds in your home.

School starts at 8:50am sharp. Start the week on time
Kiwi Can sessions start for 2023 with our Kiwi Can Leaders Miss Jackie and Mr Josh
PE Lessons also kick off this week with Mr Rosewarne.
Trip: TW3 & TW4 Auckland Museum
Big Foot Bike Skills: Year 5 & 6

Trip: TW2 & TW5 Auckland Museum
Big Foot Bike Skills: Year 5 & 6

Trip: TW6 & TW7 Auckland Museum
Big Foot Bike Skills: Year 5 & 6

In-class learning action
5:15pm MWPS Whānau Picnic: Bring your picnic dinner, pizza or fish ‘n chips and join us
6:00pm Fun Games Rotation: Spot Prizes, All Blacks gear, House Points
7:00pm Picnic Ends

9am MWPS Assembly Host: Riroriro
2pm MWPS House Competition
