Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week ahead: Term 1 Week 5

Kia Orana MWPS

This week we are really excited to be hosting our annual Whakapapa trip. This week all our learners will visit the sacred mountain of Te Manurewa o Tamapahore, Matukutūreia and then journey on to our awa, the Puhinui Stream. Special thanks to Mrs Naidoo and Mrs Bowden who have ensured all our teaching staff have visited these sites and then planned this trip for all MWPS learners so that when we say our school pepeha, we do so from personal experience with understanding.

-Trip clothing: T shirts, shorts, closed in footwear and school hat. Students will also need to bring a rain jacket in case of rainy weather.
-Punctuality is important, but this week it is essential. Trips mean organisation, schedules and being in the right place at the right time.

-Whakapapa Trip: AM: RW5, RW3 & RW4
-Whakapapa Trip: PM: RW1 & RW2

-Whakapapa Trip: AM: PW1, PW2 & PW3
-Whakapapa Trip: PM: PW4, PW5 & PW6

-Whakapapa Trip: AM: TW2, TW3 & TW4
-Whakapapa Trip: PM: TW4, TW5 & TW6

-Zoo Trip: AM: Riroriro Whānau

-MWPS Assembly
Hosts: Pīwakawaka Whānau
-MWPS House Competition
Hosts: Kakariki
-Team Newsletters go home

Meitaki Maata