Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week ahead: Term 1 Week 8

Fakaalofa lahi atu MWPS Family

It’s hard to believe we are rolling into Week 8 already, time is certainly flying. This week is another awesome week filled with exciting learning experiences for our tamariki. Supersmash Cricket, Eye on Nature Trips, Butterfly Creek adventures and sessions with the Auckland Performing Arts Centre. A big shout out to our learners who are attending school every day, well done. Remember daily attendance means learning progress and achievement as well as bonus house points!

Week 8 Reminders:
-Don’t forget to book a Parent Teacher Conference time, we are really looking forward to seeing you.
-MWPS Values: Manākitanga is about kindness, respect, and hospitality towards others. At home this week, let’s talk about respect. What do you think it means to treat someone with respect? As a family discuss examples of how you show respect to your friends, teachers/ work colleagues, and family members? How do you feel when someone shows you respect, and how do you feel when someone doesn’t? These conversations at home make a huge difference for our tamariki.

-TAPAC Sessions: selected Year 5 and 6 learners

-Eye on Nature Trip: Tūī Whānau

-Butterfly Creek Trip: Pīwakawaka Whānau

-Super Smash Cricket: Tūī Whānau

-9am MWPS Assembly
Hosts: Pīwakawaka Whānau
-Super Smash Cricket: PīwakawakaWhānau
-2pm MWPS Singing

Tau Fakamonuinaaga!