Announcements : 

Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!

Week Ahead: Term 2 Week 1

Kia ora MWPS Whānau

We trust you have all had a relaxing and refreshing holiday. Family fun time is so important for our wairua and taha whānau. Team MWPS have been busy planning and preparing some really exciting events and activities for the term ahead. We can not wait to see you all tomorrow morning!

Week 1 Reminders:
-Lunch is provided free for your child
-Fruit in Schools starts next week, so please make sure your child has a healthy morning tea every day this week.
-Writing Week continues over the next two weeks and blends in beautifully into our annual Book Blast celebrations. Each class has a range of Reading missions to complete -it is going to be a blast!
-Our first Heart Word House Competition is also underway. All learners have a competition sheet and instructions. Practice learning and spelling Heart Words together at home. Make it a family game. Testing day is Thursday next week. 1 House Point for each correct Heart Word. Boom!

-Classrooms open at 8:30am
-School starts at 8:50 am

-School starts at 8:50am
-In class learning activities

-2pm MWPS Options

-AM Breakfast Show onsite: Racket Ball with selected staff and students

-9am Mihi Whakatau
MWPS Assembly Hosts: Tūī Whānau

Sleep well, we look forward to seeing you all in the morning for a fantastic term of learning!