Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!
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Term 4: Week 3
Fakafeiloaki MWPS Kāiga This year’s theme for Te Vaiaho o te Gagana Tokelau is “Ke Olatia ko ia Tokelau i tana Fakavae – Tokelau to Prosper Within its Foundation”. The theme for Tokelau Language Week 2023 builds upon the 2022 focus, ‘Halahala ki vavau kae ke mau ki pale o Tokelau.’ The overarching message is … Read moreTerm 4: Week 3
Attendance and School starts
Attend school everyday to get extra house points! School starts at 8:55am
TOD Reminder
MWPS has a Teacher Only Day on Friday 20th October. School is closed for instruction.
Term 4: Week 2
Fakaalofa lahi atu MWPS Family Isn’t it wonderful to see the sun out again in all her shining glory! As for this morning’s quarter-final, oh my word, what a match! This week we celebrate our Niuean magafaoa. This year’s theme for Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue – Niue Language Week is Fakatūleva … Read moreTerm 4: Week 2
Term 4: Week 1
Ni sa bula MWPS Vuvale, We trust you have all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed spending time with family and catching up with friends. Like always, it goes crazy fast and now we are one sleep away from the start of Term 4! We kick the term off celebrating our Fijian brothers and sisters. … Read moreTerm 4: Week 1
Term 4 First Day reminders
School starts at 8:55am on Monday 9th October All learners need to wear their MWPS Sunhat which can be purchased from the MPWS Office
Term 4 Start Date
Happy Holidays! Term 4 starts at 8:55am on Monday 9th October for all learners.
Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!
Important Update: MWPS to Open
Ahiahi marie MWPS Whānau, We hope that you have all kept safe, warm and dry over the last 24 hours. This has been quite the experience for most of us. With the worst of the weather event over and the forecast for the next few days looking more stable, we are pleased to let … Read moreImportant Update: MWPS to Open
MWPS to Open
We are pleased to announce MWPS will re-open tomorrow Wednesday 15th February. Classes start at 8.55 am and normal school hours apply.