Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!
Announcement: Week 4
Welcome to MWPS Classes open each day at 8:30am School starts at 8:50am
MWPS Start Time
Nau mai, haere mai to all our new and returning learners Classes open each day at 8:30am School starts at 8:50am
School Starts
Happy Holidays! School starts at 8:55am on Wednesday 31st January.
Term 4 Last Day Info
The last day for students is Friday, December 15th. School will close at 2:55pm.
Whānu Hui
Our MWPS Whānau Hui is on tonight from 3:30pm – 4:30pm in the school hall Nau mai, Haere mai
Attendance and School starts
Attend school everyday to get extra house points! School starts at 8:55am
TOD Reminder
MWPS has a Teacher Only Day on Friday 20th October. School is closed for instruction.
Term 4 First Day reminders
School starts at 8:55am on Monday 9th October All learners need to wear their MWPS Sunhat which can be purchased from the MPWS Office
Term 4 Start Date
Happy Holidays! Term 4 starts at 8:55am on Monday 9th October for all learners.
Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!