Great learners attend school every day. Earn house points for daily attendance and a bonus for attending 5 days in a row!
MWPS to Open
We are pleased to announce MWPS will re-open tomorrow Wednesday 15th February. Classes start at 8.55 am and normal school hours apply.
Cyclone Gabrielle
MWPS is closed for onsite learning Monday 13th February and Tuesday 14th February due to the possible impact of Cyclone Gabrielle. Stay home stay safe!
Delayed start
All schools in Auckland will have a delayed start to the school year. MWPS will now open on Tuesday 7th February. The MWPS Office is open for enrolments from 9:30am – 1pm on Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd of February.
Open for Enrolments
Happy New Year! The MWPS Office is open for new enrolments on Tuesday 31st January from 9am – 3pm.
School Starts
Happy New Year! School starts at 8:55am on Wednesday 1st February. See you soon!
EOY -School Closes
MWPS closes on Wednesday 14th December at 12pm. All children need to be collected at this time.