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Home Learning

MWPS Home Learning Expectations

Reading: Learners will bring home a fluency passage in their homework books to practice at home over the week, as learners move from decoable texts they will bring a reader to read multiple times at home. Multiple readings of familiar passages and books support our learners in developing skills in accuracy, rate and expression as well as provides repeated opportunities for reading success. It will look similar to the example below:

     How to practice reading at home

  • Ask your child what reading skill they are working on. In the example above they are learning to recognise and read the long ā sound seen in the ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ spelling patterns. 
  • Ask your child to read their fluency passage or reader. 
  • Help your child to sound out and finger spell any unknown words accurately. Then re read the word again. 
  • Once your child has finished, model reading the passage to your child. Use a story tellers voice and let them see you as a reader. 
  • Now ask your child to read the passage again. 
  • Over the week talk about what happened in the text. Ask your child to retell the events in order using their own words. 

Spelling: Learners will bring home a spelling strip in their homework book to practice at home over the week. It will look like one of these four examples:

     How to practice spelling at home

  • Ask your child to read their spelling words. At school, they are taught to ‘read their words like a shopping list’. Expect your child to do this at home.
  • Ask your child to sound out and finger spell their words. Then write their words in their homework book. Watch them write each word and encourage them to sound out as they write and to form each letter correctly. Remember practice makes permanent so whānau, helping your child to form their letters correctly is a big deal. 
  • Before you mark the words together, ask your child to read their list again.
  • Finally, mark each word together. If there is a mistake, talk about it and then fix it up together. When it’s all sorted, ask your child to read all their words again. Fix-ups help us to make sure we learn the word correctly.

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