Announcements : 

Awesome learners attend school every day            Be the best you can be               Attending school every day is winning

Policies and Procedures

MWPS Policies and Procedures are policies are online, and are readily accessible for both the Board and all other members of our MWPS Community.

Policies and Procedures – Maungakaramea School

To access the School Docs site, follow these simple steps

  • Log on to 
  • Search for Manurewa West Primary School
  • Select it from the drop-down menu
  • Username: manurewawest 
  • Password: wisdom

MWPS policies are reviewed regularly and we ask for whānau input at different times. Policies are developed by the Board of Trustees and are reviewed on a regular cycle. Procedures are developed by the staff and do not require Board ratification or review.